Release Your Jaw – Feldenkrais Method Workshop


Jackie Adkins
Jackie Adkins


Sun Room
Rise, Frome


02 Mar 2025


10:30 - 13:00

Release Your Jaw – Feldenkrais Method Workshop

About the workshop:

Many people experience tension in their jaw and neck. In this workshop we will explore
the connections between the jaw, skull and spine, with the aim of releasing ingrained
patterns of holding. We will use the subtle, yet powerful, floor-based movement lessons
of the Feldenkrais Method.

Benefits of the workshop:

• Learn about the connections between spine, skull, jaw
• Experience these connections in movement
• Discover how to release tension in your jaw
• Feel freer and more fluid


“Feldenkrais has been a wonderful movement regime to help keep me flexible and fluid.
After one particular session my breathing had become a whole lot deeper and my ribs
felt as though they were able to expand much more. Jackie guides us through the
movements with great care and explains each clearly and concisely. She has a very
relaxed style of teaching and the class is always enjoyable and friendly.”

“I enjoy the deep sense of relaxation that evolves during a class. With regular classes
and practice, I am more aware of when tension is building up in my body and have ways
of dealing with it. Jackie is a teacher who just gets on with it which helps me to get the
most out of the class.”

“Feldenkrais has been a truly transformative for me and has profoundly changed my
body and my relationship to it. Everything I do is better because of it – from household
chores to qui gong, tai chi, yoga, walking, riding etc. It has unlocked me so my life is less
tiring and uncomfortable, but more relaxed, easier and more enjoyable.”

Suitable for:

All abilities, but you must be able to get down to and up from the floor.

What to wear and what to bring to the workshop:

Wear warm, comfortable clothes, bring a mat/blanket to lie on and a towel for under your head.



Additional information:

Jackie Adkins is a qualified Feldenkais practitioner with 24 years experience. She runs
classes, workshops and individual sessions in Frome and Bristol.

Book here

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