Let’s Dance – Angela Oliveira



17 Mar 2025


09:30 - 10:30

Let’s Dance – Angela Oliveira

About the class:

Angela brings a unique way to deliver and interact with her students making her classes exuberant, fun and makes you feel young, happy and free in the moment. They are addictive and contagious and students describe her classes as party time!
The LET’S DANCE formula is 70% of Latin music dance styles and 30% of everything else. It is great fun and an effective way to exercise. You will have brilliant fitness results and fun routines bringing people together and putting a smile on everyone’s faces.  The routines feature aerobic/fitness interval training with a combination of fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body.

Taught By:

Angela Oliveira

About the teacher:

Angela Oliveira is a veteran teacher, dancer, choreographer and the creator of the Oliveira Process for Actors. Her background in dance, athletics, martial arts and Pilates along with her desire to enlighten and entertain, forms the backbone of her unique approach. She has collaborated, taught and danced with leading visual artists, musicians, actors, dancers and athletes including Michael Jackson, Madonna, Jack Nicholson, Baz Lurhman, Jennifer Lopez, Elton John, Samuel L Jackson, Emma Thompson, Elton John, Al Pacino, Vanessa Redgrave and Lionel Ritchie. Jack Nicholson once said that “I have never seen anyone move like Angela – it’s like she has an extra vertebrae…”

Angela continues to inspire people throughout the world and remains devoted to directing her company and teaching others the beauty and healing powers of dance, movement and self-expression.

Suitable for:
  • Everyone
  • Before doing any exercise class please check with your doctor and before you start the class you will be required to fill in a health and lifestyle form to find any issues, the form is easy to fill out. Your safety is Angela’s priority.
Benefits of the class:
  • The class is a fun and versatile way to keep fit, exercise is food for your soul and will be a total body workout.
  • While grooving to the beats, you can burn calories and improve overall health, coordination and endurance balance without even realizing it.
  • Because laughing smiling feeling good while working out makes you more happy confident and healthy.
  • When you feel good doing something… is more chance to stick with it.
What to wear/bring to the class:

A sports bra is an essential piece of gear for a dance class. T-shirt or tank top. COMFORTABLE Leggings/IMPORTANT! Shoes the sneakers designed specifically for dancing and fitness aerobics are the best. The shoes make you turn, move at quickly and twist and much more without worries of getting stuck. Great links information online happy to help.

Cost of class:

£15 per session drop in or £50 for 5 weeks booked in advance. Payment can be made prior or on the day.

Bring a friend for £10 for their first time.

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